Starter Pack

20.00 USD 10.00 USD

Package Description

  • Contents:
    • "Druglord Rank" - Elevate your status and unlock a world of powerful perks and commands.
    • "Jumper" - Propel yourself to new heights with this high-flying device.
    • "Chainsaw" - Wield this formidable melee weapon with immense damage potential.

Description: The "Starter Pack" is your all-inclusive ticket to an exciting and adventure-filled journey on our Minecraft server. This bundle of essential items and privileges provides you with a head start on your epic quest.

Begin Your Adventure: Armed with the "Druglord Rank," you'll access a range of powerful tools and commands. The "Jumper" propels you to new heights, allowing you to explore uncharted territories and build grand structures with ease. Meanwhile, the formidable "Chainsaw" ensures you dominate foes in battle.

Note: The "Starter Pack" is designed to empower both new players and seasoned adventurers. It's your key to a world of possibilities and excitement on our server. Begin your adventure in style and with a competitive edge!